Who is a disciple of Jesus Christ? The Lumen Christi Way
A person who takes time for prayer and reflection.
A person who sees God in all things with the eyes of faith.
A person open to the conversion of their heart: who enters into the love of the Lord and the love of others by dying to self.
A person who has a biblical view of the world, and makes the stories in the Word of God their own.
A discerning person, who discovers who they are as a human being and as a child of God, with all of their gifts and weaknesses.
A person who understands and loves the community of the Church, i.e. the communion of saints. We are in union with those who have gone before us, and with those who will follow.
A person who actively participates in the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist, and calls upon the healing and forgiveness of Jesus.
A person who senses the invitation to become a disciple of Jesus Christ, and strives to mature as a servant leader.
A person who lives their baptismal commitment with love, compassion, forgiveness and generosity.