The St. Teresa of Calcutta Room, located just west of the elevator, is a room designed for the small children in our parish to learn, through play, about our beautiful Catholic faith! Each week the room features activities designed to teach about the current readings at Sunday Mass. On the window wall are two flannel boards that feature shapes and pictures to illustrate the Gospel story for the weekend Masses or a bible story that may be more appropriate for youngsters when the readings reflect a more mature message. There are coloring pages to follow the theme and all the figurines and fixtures center on the faith. The fixtures and banners are lovingly made and donated by parishioners to help the children learn about the liturgical seasons and bible stories. There is also a child sized lectern with a children’s lectionary and a prayer table with a different object each week from our faith to help the children develop a Catholic frame of reference. There is even a child sized bathroom for the children to use.
St. Teresa is open and available during all Masses. You are also welcome to stop by with your children any time the church building is open to play and pray in St. Teresa. It is a great way to take a break on a gloomy day. Come and check out this room - it will be a great experience for parent and child!
Kate Heinzman
Child Ministry Coordinator