Our parish formation programs could not function without catechists and other volunteers. We are grateful for your choice to give up your time to share your faith through this ministry. It is in your commitment we remain...
We want your experience as a catechist to be positive and energizing, so please consider the following when it comes to discipline and affirmation:
Communicate your expectations the very first day!
You can even create your rules together as a class.
No talking when someone else is talking (Respect)
Remain seated and raise your hand when you need something (Respect, again)
Be kind to others (Respect, yet again!)
Stress that making poor choices necessitates consequences.
Give a verbal warning for first offense.
Write name on board for second offense.
Send student to director for third offense, and contact parent.
For persistent issues, invite parent(s) into the classroom to sit with his or her child (discuss this with a director first, however, as she may have other ideas to try).
Talk to the child privately to find out what is going on.
Perhaps you will learn of a reason for the behavior, which will allow you to form a plan of action with the child as well.
Try to be patient but firm.
Yelling is not an appropriate way to address children in a classroom.
Try to whisper instead of getting louder.
Try silent pauses when the class is off task. Turn the lights off and sit in silence for a moment.
Recognize GOOD Behavior
Recognize that behavior by saying something such as, "I like how (name) is listening to my directions!" Or place a piece of candy on the desk of an on-task child without saying a word. The class will catch on and want to get caught being good as well!
Use some of these great affirmations in your classroom:
Good for you!
Great answer!
I knew you could do it!
I'm proud of you!
Way to go!
What a good listener!
You're a great helper!
You're on the right track!
Nicely done!
Exactly right!
Wow, that's a great answer!
Keep it up!
You are so kind!
Remember that students often relate the character of God to those who teach them about God - -Love and Mercy should always guide us.
10 Ideas for a Great First Day
Arrive early so you have time to get settled and offer a private prayer for your first day.
Pre-make name tents and arrange them, then greet students at the door with a warm smile. Instruct them to find their names and let them start decorating their name tents (or do another simple seat activity) while you greet the rest of the children.
Do an activity that engages and breaks the ice for students, making them feel comfortable and allowing them to get to know one another.
Have your name written on the board or somewhere handy and pronounce it for the children, then have them repeat it. Next, have them introduce themselves, sharing their first name and something fun they did this summer.
Offer a prayer! It can be as simple as the Sign of the Cross for little ones (that is a prayer!) or something more elaborate for older children.Do a textbook scavenger hunt, singly or in pairs!
Distribute texts to the children, and hand out a sheet with various items relative to topics you will cover this year that they can find throughout the book. For example: a) Find a picture of Jesus in your book. Write the page number here b) In what chapter will you learn about the Ten Commandments? c) Will you learn about Lent this year? Where did you find you answer?
SMILE! Show your excitement for the year ahead. Your excitement will be contagious!
Go over your class routine, telling them things such as the following: you expect them to come in and sit down quietly, you will take attendance at the start of each class, you will begin and end the class with prayer, etc.
Have the children push in their chairs (or set them on the desks), straighten the room, throw away garbage, etc. Teach them to respect their parish property.
Via email, send parents a simple weekly recap of what you studied (three or four sentences is enough to give parents talking points for at-home discussion).
Thank God for helping you through your first day of class! You did it!!